A Peek into the Future
Climate Change & Rising Sea levels in Cranston RI
Monday, March 22, 6:30pm
Live Via Zoom
Please join us for an exciting evening looking into our future at Stillhouse Cove, at the Annual Meeting of the Edgewood Waterfront Preservation Association (EWPA).
Free and Open to the Public.
Space is limited. RSVP Required.
Annual Meeting Presentation
Have you wondered how our neighborhood might be impacted by climate change and rising sea levels?
A Peek into the Future: Climate Change & Rising Sea levels In Cranston RIPlease join us for a presentation by Teresa Crean as she guides us through a discussion of the future of sea level rise predictions, Storm Tools and remediation efforts to plan for the future in our community.
About the Speaker
Teresa Crean is a community planner and coastal management extension specialist with the Coastal Resources Center (CRC) and Rhode Island Sea Grant at the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography. Teresa facilitates municipal-scale projects in Rhode Island that address coastal adaptation to climate change and sea level rise. Her work involves evaluating the results of mapping exercises to clearly communicate anticipated challenges and opportunities for municipal stakeholders while collaboratively considering policies and projects that may increase resiliency in the face of potential impacts from coastal hazards and storm events.