If you love Stillhouse Cove as much we do, please join us to preserve it.
EWPA is an all volunteer organization. And unfortunately the burden of maintaining it falls upon a small group of board members and other volunteers. We need your help! Come join us.


Stillhouse Cove park and salt marsh is a beautiful gathering spot maintained by the EWPA with volunteer help. We are always looking for volunteers and also a limited number people to join the Board of Directors of the EWPA, a non-profit. 

The EWPA organizes cleanups, plantings, and removing invasive plants among other volunteer work. There are also organizational tasks including communications and other office duties.

Being a volunteer with the EWPA is a way to not only help maintain Stillhouse Cove, but to get involved in environmental advocacy in Rhode Island.

Please complete the volunteer form to let us know your interest in joining us and becoming part of our volunteers.