Your support helps us to protect and conserve Stillhouse Cove Salt Marsh and Park, our local environmental treasure.
Each year we raise $10,000 to maintain, and improve Stillhouse Cove Salt Marsh and Park to keep it a sustainable, clean, beautiful, and safe waterfront.
Please give today.
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Selected plants including “bee and polinator” friendly plants like this unique variety of hydrangia.
Protected the marsh and conservation area at Stillhouse by treating and removing invasive weeds and seedlings.
Improved gardens and the rotary with native plants and grasses that withstand drought and attract bees.
Maintained gardens with new plants and moving others to better locations.
Hosted two successful clean-ups that removed trash from around the cove.
Installed new “coir logs”to protect the salt marsh and park from erosion and storm damage. These “logs” were installed at the base of the slope in the salt march to help the cove stay stable and healthy.